White Wave Designs

Building a fly-out menu with Fireworks MX and Dreamweaver MX Tutorial

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Double-click the arrow to open up the button editor. In the first tab (Up), add your text. I am going to center my text, so I used the Modify/Align from the file menu to center the text with the rectangle.

Click on the Over tab and create the button for the hover state. I selected the "Copy Up Graphic" and added an underline to my text. Repeat for the Down tab. I selected the "Copy Over Graphic" for the down state and didn't make any changes. Click the Done button to close the editor. Click on the button and enter the Alt text and link (if there is one) in the properties panel. Since my About Us is only a section name, not a page name, I an not creating a link for this button.

Now that you have finished creating the buttons, it is time to create the fly-out menus. From the file menu, select Window/Behaviors to open the Behaviors window. Click on one of the buttons (now also referred to as a "slice" or "hotspot" in Fireworks), then the "+" sign in the Behaviors window, and select "Set Pop-up Menu." The Pop-up Menu editor will open for this button.

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